Simply the best English to Sotho translation around
Do you need a professional Sotho to English or English to Sotho translation? Look no further - we are the South African languages experts.
Our team of Sotho translators can take care of all your Sotho translation needs, offering an all-round one-stop translation solution.
We offer translations in both Northern and Southern Sotho.
Solid and reliable Sotho translation
Our solid experience and personal approach guarantees that you receive your professional Sotho translation how you want it and when you want it.
Our Sotho translators are the best in the business and guarantee satisfaction.
We deal with English to Sotho and Sotho to English translations. Our translators always translate into their mother tongue - so a Sotho speaker would only translate into Sotho and an English speaker will translate into English. This ensures first-class results.
The expert Sotho translation team can deal with letters, brochures, handbooks, articles, manuals, guides, contracts, novels and much more.
For all your Sotho translation needs, are the company you can rely on.
Get a FREE English to Sotho translation quote
For a Sotho translation quote please contact us to discuss your needs.
About Sotho
Sotho has two strands, Northern and Southern:
Northern Sotho is spoken by roughly 3,695,000 people in the Transvaal, south and central regions of South Africa. It is also known as Pedi, Sepedi or Transvaal Sotho.
Southern Sotho is largely spoken in Lesotho and Botswana. It can be referred to as Suto, Suthu, Souto, Sesotho or Sisutho. The dialects Sotho, Pedi and Tswana are largely intelligible but have generally been considered separate languages.